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"Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. With Strenght, Courage and Honour, Live your Dreams, share your Passion, Shine and Love."
Aurore Tomé

Best regards.


BIO (English)

Aurore TOMÉ is a multi-talented French Actress. She starts Dance lessons and Karate at the age of 5. Grace, sensitivity, discipline and strength shape her personality. Aurore prefers living her dreams rather than dreaming her life. She settles in Paris after getting her high school diploma (Bac S) to integrate both a famous private French drama school: les COURS FLORENT, and a dancing school: le STUDIO HARMONIC. Her charisma, determination and her aptitude for the stage make Aurore considered as an Athlete of the Beauty.

In 2003, Aurore becomes a dancer then the Vedette at the French cabaret le LIDO DE PARIS, one of the world's most mythical stage, while also acting as the main character in the kids show «MARION OU LA POUPÉE CASSÉE». She is the muse of famous photographers (Christian MÖSER, Vincent MALLÉA, … ), a model for well-known firms (HERMÈS, Eric TIBUSCH,...) and she takes part in many TV shows.

Aurore leaves the glitz of the stage in 2011, she joins the STUDIO PYGMALION and starts boxing. She plays the role of the Lady of the Lake in «EXCALIBUR» in the biggest French stadium le STADE DE FRANCE before a 55 000 people audience. Relying on a strong experience and on many artistic abilities, she is also hired as a Choreographer, Coach and Artistic consultant.

Since 2012, Aurore is working on movies such as «TAKEN 2», «MAX LE MILLIONNAIRE» and on series like «ZAK», «METAL HURLANT» next to Liam NEESON or Jimmy JEAN-LOUIS. She currently represents the image of the website CLOSEVENT and she was the Golden Lady for the brand PERRIER. Aurore worked for the BOLSHOÏ, OPÉRA BASTILLE and many others Stages.

Because she wants to use her art to help out, Aurore poses to celebrate the 25th birthday of AIDES. She creates the Facebook page for the FONDATION ALBERT II DE MONACO association and she plays in «LINK2 », a humanitarian action movie realised in partnership with the RED CROSS.

This chameleon with a singular physique is a passionate woman. She likes learning, pushing her limits and trying unexpected new activities.

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